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Research reveals that "Love at First Sight" isn't real!!

เริ่มโดย Jenny937, 16:02 น. 15 มี.ค 65


Love at first sight, many believe it exists. Some say that because of fate, destiny, Buppesanniwat Like seeing this person, I feel like it's right and something like that. But if anyone believes, it may be contrary to the following research results. Because he revealed the results of experimental research from dating international students. that in fact, Love at first sight doesn't exist. What is the reason for finding the answer?Love at first sight isn't real. Experiment from international students dating.Experimental research on dating international students Published in the research journal The International Association for Relationships, researchers investigated the issue of love at first sight in a study of Dutch college students dating. and the GermansA total of 500 trials were conducted on 200 students with an average age of 25 years. Each person was assigned to follow a total of three research steps: 1. Take online surveys2. Behavior was studied in the laboratory.3. Face to face dating All in all, it only took 90 minutes! After completing all 3 steps, you will then proceed to ask questions. Is there any feeling like meeting love at first sight? There are three levels of physical compatibility that are measured: 1. feel intimate2. feel close3. feeling the need for sexThe results of the test concluded that There were 49 times in love at first sight, almost all of them due to lust. Due to the obsession with appearance, the majority of people tested in the study were 60 percent of women, but the majority of symptoms of love at first sight were more common in men. The results of such research Only one group of people was tested. It cannot be judged that everyone in this world will not have the feeling of love at first sight.




